Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Theeeeey're baaaaaaack!!!!

I had to post again. While I was setting up to glaze a window... lo and behold, what to mine eyes do appear!!! but GOLDFINCHES! They are EARLY! They generally don't arrive until November. Thanksgiving-ish. I haven't seen them in quite some time. Now, there is one recognizable male which leads me to believe they may just be permanent residents. It's not like I have them tagged or anything, but I can tell by a distinct black cap on one brightly colored yellow male. It was so sweet. The male waited patiently on our rod iron table while the female ate seeds. He sat there while she ate for a good 5 minutes or so. She then fluttered to the clothesline & waited a moment for him to eat, but she was less patient and left. He very quickly stopped eating and followed her, not letting her out of his site.

I haven't managed to take down my upside-down goldfinch feeders since spring. Mainly because I kept seeing the little things lingering about. In fact, they made appearances every now and then, even in July. In the past they seemed to all disappear in the spring. I have read while many migrate north for the summer we have some permanent residents in these parts. In fact, I distinctly remember this black-capped male as one of the very few lingering around each afternoon late into summer.

However, I haven't seen them in a while and today they made a reappearance. I had to call my husband at work to tell him.

Below is the female goldfinch eating at the feeder. The upside-down goldfinch feeders filled with niger/thistle seed really are the best way to attract them and keep other birds and SQUIRRELS out. Available at many home improvement type stores and very inexpensive. Except the seed is more than your typical seed but I generally only buy one or 2 small bags per season which run around $8 to 12

Isn't she sweet. As I was trying to take these shots from my bathroom window...a hummingbird flew to the feeder so I quick got a picture of her too, posted below. She's hard to see, but she's sitting down getting a drink to the right of the feeder. It's located next to my mandevilla which has really taken off in the past few weeks.