Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another year has passed...

Difficult to believe, isn't it? An entire year has passed since I last posted!  I would really like to keep up with this blog, so here I go again! I'm freshly inspired after finishing Bram Stoker's, "Dracula", in October. I had this horror classic on my reading lest for years and finally accomplished it. Never mind the creepy vampire stuff, I was more intrigued how civilized people used to keep journals or diaries so faithfully. I had forgotten since my school days. I realize the story is fiction, but the way it is written entirely from the diaries of each of the characters, arranged in chronological order fascinated me. It seems our modern technologies have hindered the art of writing rather than helped. How sad this is. I suppose the reason being we are bombarded with information on a daily basis, leaving us overwhelmed. Our schedules so demanding we barely have time to prepare and eat a decent meal let alone write out the events of our day. We have become one way absorbers of information, very seldom does it flow outwardly - except maybe through mindless chatter on a phone. I've also noticed phone conversations seem to be quite a bit of talking and little or no listening. I can recall many occasions where the party I was speaking with will later on have zero recollection of topics we discussed, sometimes rather important information also! I admit I am guilty on occasion also, it's so easy to become distracted since the conversation is not face to face.  I think we all try to multi-task rather than giving our friend or family member our full attention, since we are all pressed for time continuously.  It becomes habit.  

So to attempt a new more positive habit, it will be my New Year's Resolution to keep this blog going. I am simply starting early.

On a slightly separate, but related note;

For decades my goal has been to exercise! In my twenties I would start, then stop - always swearing I would get serious when I turned thirty. I repeated this process in my thirties, swearing to get serious when I was in my 40's! Well, I hit 42 and realized my little game was getting to be ridiculous. My Mother-in-law became addicted to exercise and really inspired me, then my mother fought a battle with breast cancer (and won!), creating some sense of urgency that I MUST do this.  Exercise alone can dramatically reduce the chances of developing breast and many other cancers. It was not funny anymore. I think a contributing factor to my laziness probably has to do with the fact I've never had a real problem with weight, my blood pressure was always low (very low - still is) and I have easily picked up running or other exercise off and on over the years, but I knew now I had to get serious.

So my New Year's Resolution was naturally to excercise and I had failed several times in the past.  I thought long and hard about why I failed, why everyone fails so often, when it comes to New Year's Resolutions. My revelation was this: we all tend to leave them too open ended, too vague. To simply say, "I will lose weight this year," is not going to work as well as, "I will lose 10 lbs. by June." We must set a definite goal with deadlines. Something measurable and not simply a list of things we want to try to do more or less of. It may depend on the resolution, but we really need to be specific about this.

So upon this lightbulb moment, I set my 2012 resolution as, "I want to develop a daily habit of exercise!" (pretty good, eh?)

Ok, I'll be honest, I think I set this goal in 2011 too - and I did better than ever before, but it still was not a regular part of my life. My most successful periods were when I would borrow my sister's dog, Scout, (a "Jack-Russell Schnauzer" who needs quite a lot of exercise), but as soon as she went back home, my exercise fizzled out. Also tried to exercise with a friend, and that was great except our schedules were so different it made my life very difficult. Her best time was evening and that truly was my worst time.

I can now proudly announce I have mostly achieved my goal. By mostly I mean I have yet to exercise EVERY day, but I do regularly exercise EVERY week! Yay Me!

So it all started with a Groupon. It was for "Bootcamp U".

I had learned a few things over the years "trying" to exercise daily:

1) it is nearly impossible for me to exercise any time of day except early morning, for various reasons - our schedules, cooking, heat in Texas etc.
2) I like more intense work-outs where I really feel like I am "doing something".
3) I hate gyms.  I prefer to work-out outside.
4) I like variety - I get bored doing the same thing each time.
5) I tend to be more dedicated when I am paying for it
6) Having a definite set time/date is far better for me than leaving it open ended to go ANY time I want.

I think #6 is why gym memberships never worked for me and I paid for a full year contract and went only for about the 1st month - aside from hating gyms, it was too open ended and I am not disciplined enough to just rely on myself!

Now mind you I am NOT A morning person, but I learned from all my past failures this really is the BEST time (maybe the ONLY time) for me if I ever want to achieve my goal. I discussed it with my husband. He was reluctantly supportive. He couldn't say much because he had always given me a hard time about NOT exercising, he being Mister Athlete, himself a Cat. 3 cyclist. He also had been very vocal for years about why he gets up early in the AM to ride his bike, because it's so much cooler (temperature-we do live in a GDF hot place in the summer).  He also demands an early bedtime for both of us (will go into that another day). Therefore it was a bit difficult for him to say much when I made the announcement I would need to wake at 6am 3 days/week in order to make the 7am class, without him sounding hypocritical anyway. He was not thrilled, but agreed it would be a good thing. I do wonder if he thought, "it's ok - it won't last!" HA!

So here I am, in my 9th month and going fantastically! There is no end in sight. I was fortunate to find awesome trainers and a fairly new style of work-out which I really like. It is intense and challenges me, I can see and feel the difference - and so does DH (dear husband) and I can not say enough good things about it.

I was scared at first. In fact I waited 2 months to begin, it was actually the end of February by the time I became brave enough to get started. Just the words, "Boot Camp" made me nervous. I wondered why they call it this? How hard was it really going to be? Would they really yell at us? My other lame excuse for not starting in January was because it would be outdoors, in the COLD!

For anyone wondering - YES - it was very challenging.  I was very sore the first few weeks, but kept going.  I realized how weak and out of shape I was.  I could not even do one single push-up!  I was determined to stick with it to fulfill my goal and wanted to get stronger.  NO they don't yell at you!  In fact, our coach Robyn was amazing.  Super positive while at the same time encouraging us to push just a little harder.  Some things have changed and Robyn coaches the Crossfit class now while I remain in Boot Camp but I'll go into all that another time.  Now I can do not only many "girl" style push-ups - or what they like to call "modified" push-ups now a days to be more politically correct, but I can do quite a few "boy" push-ups!

I still have not fulfilled my end goal of a "daily" habit, but I go 3 - 4 days every week except for the time we spent on vacation. It is a big goal, so I have bitten off a huge chunk at least and I will keep trying for the 7 days. Our workouts are so intense my body needs the recovery time, but I would like to do at least a short walk or jog or stretching/yoga etc. on my "off" days.  At least I still have something else to work toward.

So that is my work-out lifetime saga - feel free to share yours! I hope maybe my long slow painful bumpy ride to success might help someone else to figure out what their obstacles are in order that they may overcome theirs too!

So now, my next goal is, which I have mentioned, I am starting early to write in this blog at least once per week!

Wish me luck!